Getting Started: Activating Your First Branch.

Let's create activate your first branch right away!

  1. Begin by clicking on your name in the top right corner of the screen. 
  2. Locate the 'Subscriptions & Billing' tab on your left and make your click and voila!
  3. You'll have access to two tabs here
    • Subscriptions: Here, you can select your branches, pay their bills and manage their cancellation- all from one screen!
    • Transactions: This section enables you to keep your books clean and view your payment histories. 
  4. Proceed by clicking on the check box adjacent to your branch name and hitting the 'Pay' button. 
  5. You'll be able to see out safe and secure payment gateway pop up which you can use to enter your details and make your payment securely. 

You're all set now!